Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our Bundle of Joy

I just want to thank God for all the strength, protection and provision that He has given me and my family especially last week when I gave birth to our handsome baby boy John Samuel. We're caught by surprise because hubby and I were expecting to have our baby to come by next month of November of second week.

I just didn't know what happened because the Gyne-doctor said that I am just fine. At early morn of Oct. 9, 2011, around 3:30am when I peed, I noticed a sudden gush of fresh blood flowing down my legs. I hurriedly called hubby and asked him to call the doctor and rush me to the hospital. Well to make the story short, I gave birth but on my 36th week so we had to get baby into incubator to get baby ready because his underweight.

Anyway, we just want to give back the Glory to God on His goodness and grace for us. I will be posting some more information about pre-term labor reasons so that other women may be able to avoid it and know how they prepare themselves before giving birth.


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